I got behind in keeping this blog updated. I am working on catching up so keep checking back for new posts….
Stay tuned…
August 26th, 2014Amazing Bedhead
August 25th, 2014We are coming home!
September 26th, 2013And her name is…
September 26th, 2013It’s a girl!
September 24th, 2013What a crazy day… it started with a call at noon followed by frantic packing, a trip to Orem to sign papers, and then a 6:30 PM flight to Seattle. Then followed by a 2 and a half hour drive… boy was all the rushing worth it! We are so excited to welcome this precious baby girl into our family! Dempsey is so excited to have a sister.
Our Home Study is Complete and We Are Approved to Adopt Again
July 17th, 2013We just completed our home study and we are approved to adopt again. We are excited to grow our little family and share our love with another child. Dempsey is excited to have a brother or a sister. She talks regularly about both. She will be a great “big” sister.
Family Reunion – Lincoln City, Oregon
July 8th, 2013Check back soon for pictures and more information…
Caribbean Cruise 2012
April 20th, 2013Check back soon for more info and pictures….
Our Day in Court – Adoption Finalization
October 15th, 2012Our First Family Trip – Cannon Beach, Oregon
September 12th, 2012Both Jared and I grew up spending summer vacations at the Oregon Coast. We were so excited to share that with Dempsey. We were able to choose a day with absolutely the best weather (not always the easiest thing to do in Oregon). Dempsey had a great time. She wasn’t quite sure about the cold water at first but that did not last long. She loved splashing in the water and playing in the sand. We will definitely be continuing our family tradition of vacationing at the Oregon Coast!